15 minutes towards discovering the most important conditions/problems your body is dealing with.
15 minutes towards finding the most beneficial combination of solutions for those conditions.
30 minute zoom meeting with Randy going over the most beneficial solutions for the conditions, and next best steps of your healing process.
Medical Intuitive
Many of us all over the world suffer from emotional, mental, and physical troubles. These problems plague us throughout our life, and we will go to great lengths to find relief. Through holistic medicinal practices used by a medical intuitive such as myself, we can find several alternative ways to deal with our physical and emotional issues.
What is a medical intuitive?
A medical intuitive is an alternative, holistic medicine practitioner (also known as an energy healer) who uses their intuitive abilities to find the cause of a physical or emotional condition. They use intuitive insight (or inner vision) to find “disorders” and “diseases” rather than through traditional, modern diagnostic procedures (such as blood tests, MRI’s or CAT scans). Other terms for such a person could include medical clairvoyant, medical psychic or intuitive healer.
Note: Once you purchase this product, Randy will contact you regarding next steps. For remote healing, clients will be given an option to provide a hair sample and/or image to better enable Randy to
Disclaimer: The healing services offered by Randy are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical problem or psychological disorder, nor are these healing services intended as a substitute for medical care.
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