Brought to you by a team of experienced and respected innovators in water filtration technology, our curated collection of products, backed by decades of research, serves to provide every household with toxin-free, mineral-rich, and health-giving water.
After 37 years in the water science industry, our morals, ethics, and sense of responsibility compelled us to offer highly-effective water quality products that are accessible to all.
Water and Wellness is on a mission to provide safe water, free of contaminants, for you and your family. We also believe it is critical to restore and enhance that water with the nutrients essential to our health.
With advanced water purification technology, broad-spectrum remineralization, and science-back nutraceuticals, our unyielding commitment is to the safety, and life-giving properties, of water.
Original Quinton Hypertonic® 30 ampules of Marine Plasma
Pictured to the Left. This ultimate HYPERTONIC elixir contains up to 78 bioavailable minerals and trace elements in a pure seawater solution of 3.3% salinity, which facilitates its passage into the cell for replenishment, remineralization, and rehydration of the body.
Quinton Marine Plasma is the gold standard in pure seawater supplementation with more than 125 years of clinical evidence supporting its therapeutic and health supportive properties. Hypertonic specifically, provides a DAILY NUTRIENT boost to maintain energy, adrenal function, bone density, and electrolyte balance amid strenuous exertion.