For thousands of years people have made reference to living water.
“Living Water” has spiritual as well as philosophical and scientific connotations. The fact that the term has survived so many generations is an indication of an underlying message. It implies that there is living water AND that there is something other than living water. Can water lose its life? If so, can the life be returned to water? These are powerful questions that deserve more than a philosophical answer.
Living water has existed on Earth for millions of years. It is one of Mother Nature’s finest creations, and it is the foundation for all life. Yet the degree to which water can support life depends on the degree of life force in the water. Water can be vibrantly alive or it can be barely alive, just like many of the inhabitants of the Earth. Unfortunately, much of the water on the planet today has been mistreated to the point that its life hangs by a drop. It is no longer able to support the Earth’s life forms at optimal levels. Yet, understanding a few simple concepts can restore the life to water.
The New Science of Water is an investigation into water’s liquid crystalline phase where water molecules create a repeating geometric pattern similar to the molecular pattern in a solid quartz crystal. Although the molecules remain mobile, they move together as a coherent “whole.” This is living water. It is an organized matrix that responds to its environment. Once the matrix has been established, it can carry signals and vibratory (frequency) information very similar to the way solid crystals are used for this purpose in modern technology. (watch the video, What is the New Science of Water?) Living water, otherwise referred to as liquid crystalline water, is the medium within the human body that amplifies and transmits signals in an instant.
The term, full-spectrum, living water refers to living water that carries the full spectrum of life supporting frequencies. Several elements contribute to the creation of full-spectrum, living water:
- Movement (vortices)
- Electromagnetic fields
and other forms of gentle organizing energy - Mineral ions (salts)
- Sound and light (nature’s music)
When these elements combine (and they can do so in many different ways) water becomes a living, liquid crystal with the full spectrum of life supporting enhancements. All of the above elements are discussed in detail in the book, Dancing with Water, with instructions for providing the above elements in such a way that they result in full-spectrum, living water—water that supports life at its fullest.
ORMUS and Water: Powerful Partners
Ever since David Hudson began to discuss “white powder gold,” in the 1990s, people have clamored to duplicate his methods and to come up with other ways of creating what he referred to as ORME—an acronym for orbitally-rearranged monoatomic element. Hudson’s discovery of the “m-state” of matter brought alchemy back into vogue. But the stories of what ORME (now referred to as ORMUS) have the potential to do for mind, body, and spirit are what have kept the ORMUS/alchemy fire alive.
Hudson referred to the monoatomic state (m-state) as a condition where atoms are not bound to other atoms. In other words, he described elements in the m-state as being chemically inert—the result of a rearrangement of their electronic and nuclear orbits. Since his early work, the term “monoatomic” has been phased out in favor of the term ORMUS. Many of the recognized ORMUS elements are likely not monoatomic. Some may be di-atomic and others may be tiny clusters of atoms.
The original ORMUS elements are a group of elements in the center of the periodic table. These eight metals include: ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, and silver (known as the “light platinum group”), osmium, iridium, platinum, and gold (known as the “heavy platinum group”). Other elements have now been observed in the ORMUS state.
In their metallic form, ORMUS elements are chemically reactive. They are relatively good conductors of both heat and electricity. However, the same elements in the m-state are chemically unresponsive. They are poor conductors and they behave more like ceramics than like metals. The valence electrons (those normally available to form bonds with other atoms) in ORMUS elements are theorized to pair up with each other to form stable arrangements called Cooper pairs. Theoretically, Cooper pairing reduces the size of individual atoms (di-atoms or clusters of atoms) as electrons are drawn more tightly together. As this happens, the atom/cluster spins more rapidly—much like an ice skater when her arms are drawn inward. In the high spin state, each ORMUS element loses 44% of its weight (according to research by Hudson and Dr. John Milewsky). It becomes a tiny, elusive packet of light.
ORMUS elements are not bonded in an interconnected lattice like their metallic form. Their atomic and molecular configurations determine their physical characteristics, not the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. Because valence electrons are unavailable for chemical reactions, ORMUS elements are difficult to identify using standard spectroscopic analysis. They are difficult to quantify which has caused controversy over their existence. However, there is evidence of interesting properties exhibited by some ORMUS elements:
- The presence of an anti-magnetic (Meissner) field. A Meissner field excludes other magnetic fields (including the Earth’s magnetic field), and it causes some elements to levitate.
- A condition known as Quantum coherence where a group of atoms respond as one unit rather than as individual units.
Some conditions that cause Cooper pairing produce a superconductive condensate that is coherent at the quantum level. This is called a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) after Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein who postulated this state of matter in the 1920s. Their theory was validated in 1995 when BECs were created in the laboratory by Eric Cornell and Carl Wieman who cooled atoms to a millionth of a degree above absolute zero. Click here for a simplified explanation of BECs.
Absolute zero is the temperature at which all atomic movement ceases. It is a generally accepted prerequisite for superconductivity. David Hudson postulated that ORMUS elements have an internal temperature that is close to absolute zero. This could be explained by the fact that the temperature at the center of a vortex is much colder than at the periphery (the Ranque-Hilsch effect); high velocity due to Cooper pairing could theoretically induce temperatures that approach absolute zero. This could explain how ORMUS elements may exhibit superconductive qualities at room temperature—their internal temperature approaching absolute zero while atmospheric temperature remains the same.
It has been hypothesized that a Meissner field exists around each Cooper-paired atom or cluster. The development of a coherent condensate (BEC) would establish a larger Meissner domain with a non-polar magnetic field capable of repelling a traditional polar magnetic field. ORMUS elements likely work in concert with the forces in water to bring about the same type of coherent domain that exists in BECs.
Water and ORMUS are powerful and playful partners. Water provides a structured domain within which ORMUS will stay as long as it is not exposed to strong electromagnetic fields or to direct sunlight. ORMUS elements also structure water. The resulting “structure” provides tiny cages for ORMUS elements to reside—supposedly to escape the influence of magnetic fields. Water can hold an abundance of ORMUS elements within its structure.
Theoretically, water that is saturated with ORMUS is a superfuid with zero resistance to the transmission of energy and information. The brains of animals have been found to contain high quantities of ORMUS (particularly rhodium and iridium). This could be an indication of the significance of ORMUS elements for effective signal tranmission in living organisms. Adding/awakening ORMUS in your water can be highly beneficial. It not only helps water to maintain coherent structure, it may also provide health benefits which are described on multiple websites. (These potential benefits have been known for years amongst a small group of ORMUS enthusiasts. They are beginning to be documented on a larger scale as interest increases.)
ORMUS elements are more prevalent in lava, paramagnetic soils, unprocessed salts, ocean water, and natural springs which bring water to the surface of the Earth. Many foods are thought to naturally concentrate ORMUS (Cacao, Blue-green algae, bee pollen, bamboo, medicinal mushrooms, and many plants considered to be superfoods). However, any plant grown in ORMUS-enriched soil/water will contain more ORMUS—all the more reason to grow your own garden and to supply ORMUS elements during the growing season. Research demonstrates that plants supplied with ORUMS (either in the water or in the soil) grow with greater vigor—they have a greater capacity to resist disease, insects, drought, and cold than plants grown without supplemental ORMUS.Barry Carter, a leading expert on ORMUS, maintains an extensive Website and a number of forums where detailed information can be found.
There are a variety of ways to convert elements to their ORMUS state. The methods described in Dancing with Water add ORUMS elements to the water in the form of ORMUS-rich salts and spin them into a high-spin state. Other methods concentrate ORMUS elements for more therapeutic amounts. One way to concentrate ORMUS was developed by Korean monks over 1000 years ago. They packed sea salt into bamboo stalks, sealed the ends with clay and fired it in a clay oven. The process draws ORMUS from the bamboo and from the clay, into the salt. Repeating the process concentrates ORMUS and creates a therapeutic salt known today as bamboo salt. (Read more about bamboo salt.)
One way to get a higher concentration of ORMUS elements in your diet or for your garden is to use a concentrated ORMUS product. There are many good products on the market. Dancing with Water offers their own concentrated ORMUS product called Dance of Light made with bamboo salt.
Credit to:
M. J. Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans
Authors of ‘Dancing With Water’